I love days when we get to go to the Farmer's Market. Last night Matt asked if we were going to go and I jumped all over that with a resounding YES!
(He needed some rocket engines from the toy store on Main st.)
It was crazy busy and I didn't come prepared with good bags to carry the amount of produce we ended up getting. Lucky for me Matt carried all the heavy awkward stuff so I didn't have to! Next time I know to bring good bags. I missed out on apples and some berries because we ran out of hands.
We did manage to leave with a great deal on peaches! I got two good sized basket fulls for only $5.00. The aren't in the very best shape but I thought they'd be good to for baking or adding to some homemade applesauce. The kids also got some very large pretty sunflowers, a cucumber and some adorable baby carrots.
The rest of our day has been pretty relaxing. We came home and ALL napped for a couple hours. Now Matt is installing our new closet organizer in the spare room for all the baby's stuff. Yesterday he put together our new changing table and tomorrow the crib! Hoping I'll get to do some shopping for curtains, bins, baby hangers etc... so I can set up the closet and have it done and ready to go!
40 days till little man's due date!!!