Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Fish Hatchery

Grandpa Mike has started a new tradition with the kids, an annual trip to the Fish Hatchery to see and feed the fishies. Ava especially loves to go and talked about it for months before our trip home in March/April.

Thanks Grandpa for the fun trip! 

The Portland Zoo

While home in April we got to take a trip to the Portland Zoo, one of my favorite places!
The kids had a blast seeing all the animals and hanging out with Aunt Dawn and our Cousin Sierra.
Thanks guys for the fun memories!

You can kind of see in the back behind the big elephant is the new baby elephant at the zoo, I think her name is Ellie. So cute!

Tried to get a group shot but obviously failed!

Right as we got into the Eagle exhibit Jason decided to chuck his binki right over the fence in with the Eagles, the little terd. Don't worry we let zoo keepers know so they could retrieve the binki before the birds could get hurt.


We had so much fun! Can't wait till we live closer so we can go more often.