Thursday, August 23, 2012

A finished project!?

I finally hung the pictures on my tree!

Took a long time to find frames that I wanted (waited for them to go back on sale of course). Once I found the frames we had to get the prints I needed. Then the hard part, well what I thought was going to be the hard part, hanging the pictures. I switched out the only frame that would have needed two nails and all of sudden there was nothing hard about putting the frames up. I did it all by myself!

So glad to have this project checked off my to do list. I LOVE walking by my tree!


  1. That is beautiful honey! Nicely done! ;o) See, you CAN decorate on your own!!!!

  2. Haha, thanks Grandma! I am going to be so sad to leave this tree when we move :( (whenever the time comes.
