Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tucker: 1 month old! September 28th

This month has just flown by! 

What little man is up to this month:

I am a great sleeper

I love to snuggle

I am an efficient eater (my mom says) just like my brother was when he was my age

I like be held upright so I can look around
Some of my favorite things to look at are:
my family's faces, the black picture frames on the walls, outside, my dad's hair
and my mom's glasses

I am very sweet

I don't cry a whole lot (I just don't need to)

My mom and dad tell me all the time how hard
 it is to change my diaper because I am so strong

I can hold my head up for good chunks of time,
 I started doing this at 2 days old

I am now wearing size 1 diapers and I have 
just about grown out of my newborn clothes

At my 2 week appointment I weighed 8lbs6oz 
but we think I've grown quite a bit since then

I love baths and water


I have a brand new baby cousin that I can't wait to meet!

I love to snuggle and sleep with my mom

My mom says I am sooooo cute!

This is my mom's favorite onesie

My grandma got me a new silly binki

My big brother LOVES to hold me and kiss me
and he is always telling my mom that he needs to check on
me to see if I am okay
He's the best big brother!

As for mom....

One month postpartum.

I've tried going to the gym and just doing the treadmill but my broken tailbone really didn't like that so... I am just going to take it easy until it heals up a bit more. Trying to find exercises that don't irritate the injury.

(Oh yeah, found out my tailbone is broken! So that has been the most difficult thing since delivery. I sort of think without it though everything would have just been too easy. Still, hoping it heals up soon!)

Last time I weighed myself I was down 12 pounds so that leaves 16 more to go until I am at pre pregnancy weight. I have a feeling that number would be a lot smaller if I could just stop stuffing my face with junk food! All the Halloween candy being out in stores is not helping with my willpower issues... oh well.

Breastfeeding is going very well!

My brain fog seems to have lifted over the last week. Before that I was really having a hard time remembering anything for any length of time. I had to resort to writing on my hand or arms to remind myself to do things. So glad to be getting back to my regular forgetful self.

I LOVE being a mommy for a 3rd time! I've heard that going from 2 -3 is the hardest transition BUT Jason and Ava are so much older that this has been the easiest transition for me. Tucker is such a good baby. We see Matt more than we did when he was in the Airforce. We are closer to home so we have been blessed with quite a few visitors this month, which makes me sooo happy! The kids are in school for a couple hours a day 4-5 days a week. I also just feel more comfortable as a mom, I can see Matt is more comfortable as a dad too. We kind of know what to expect, we are more relaxed about things that we would stress out about with Ava and Jason as newborns. I just know that I am doing what I am meant to be doing by being a mommy and it makes me soooo happy! 

LOVE love LOVE having a little baby in the house again!
Now if we could just make time slow down so I could enjoy this time a bit longer!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome update honey. I'm glad you are so happy. Being a mommy looks good on you!
