Friday, January 8, 2016

Tucker turns 4 months!

Tucker turned 4 months on December 28th
He had his 4 month checkup yesterday.


I weigh 16 1/2 pounds
I am in the 74th percentile for weight &
94th for height!

My Doctor says I look very healthy and happy!
I had to get shots and I didn't think that was fun but I wasn't upset for too long, I really liked my nurse so that helped a lot.

Today I tried avocado mixed with breastmilk. My daddy took a video so you can see me eating my first food. I think I liked that green stuff. My mom said my next food will either me a sweet potato or carrots... I can't wait!

December 3rd my mom noticed I rolled from tummy to back 3 times in a row (she remembers the date because it happened 3 times on the 3rd). I've rolled quite a bit since then.

I got to travel a lot this last month and see lots of family! We had Christmas just about everyday for a week! My brother and sister are still confused about when Christmas actually is *giggle*. I really liked seeing my aunts, uncles, cousins & grandparents. Opening presents was fun too. My dad helped me open my gifts. Thank you everyone for all my fun toys, clothes, diapers and wipes! I am really enjoying all of my gifts! 

Here are some cute pictures of me from this last month

That's right... we ALL take after daddy!

It was SOOOO cold!!!

Me opening my FIRST Christmas gift at Grandma and Grandpa's

Visiting with great grandma Mary

I got to see SANTA
Mommy had a really hard time getting a picture with sooooo many people.
Everyone was so wiggly :)

I am soooo cute when I'm sleeping

My mom and aunt Cheleb are silly.
Good thing we have extra big stockings in our house!

I really really love my mommy

My "first Christmas" Outfit

All snuggled up after a walk outside in the brrrr cold

My Nana is so silly

We are in birth order here
Me 4 months
Senna 3 months
Wyatt 2 months 

We watched a lot of football at Nana and Papa's 
this game we were really upset because the Seahawks lost :(


My sister recorded this video for my mom. I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie ;)


  1. So glad you do this blog honey. Precious memories for us all!

  2. So glad you do this blog honey. Precious memories for us all!
