Sunday, September 9, 2012

Scentsy Open House/Pumpkin Warmer give away!

I am hosting an open house Sunday September 16th 2pm-4pm to showcase the New 2012 Fall/Winter Scentsy catalog and products! There are a lot of really fun new products and I can't wait for you to see them. To up the excitement and fun I will be doing a few give a ways! Give aways open to anyone that places an order, locally or otherwise.

If the open house reaches $500 in sales I will be giving away the Pumpkin warmer along with a bar in the scent of the month, Caramel Pear crisp.

If we reach $750 I will add a second give away, a 3pk of bars in your choice of scents.

Finally if the open house reaches $1,000 in sales I will add a third and final give a way, the New Light Layers Combo which includes, 1 Shower gel, 1 Hand Cream and 1 Body Spray, all in scents you choose.

Starting September 15th the following holiday warmers will become available to order! These warmers are popular and of limited availability, once they are gone they are gone so get your order in fast! Here are a few sneak peaks.

And lastly the warmer I think I am most excited about this season: Leopard!

Leopard will be available all season.

There are a lot of fun new scents coming out. Here is a list of my top 3:

French Toast
A perfect, light slice of bread dunked 
in golden egg batter, dusted with 
powdered sugar, and finished with 
a swirl of sweet maple syrup.

Frosted Ginger Cookie
Chewy brown sugar cookie 
spiked with warming ginger 
and fragrant vanilla.

A bite of summer’s bounty: bursting 
fresh berries atop a buttery blanket 
of crumbly coffeecake

Available for $5 each, 3 for $14 or 6 for $25

Be sure to stock up on your favorite Holiday scents available on the 15th:

Pumpkin roll
Pumpkin Marshmallow
Christmas Cottage
Festival of Trees
Autumn Sunset

Click Here to start shopping!

If you are local (Eielson/NP/Fairbanks residents) and would like to stop by during the open house leave a comment and I will give you my information. Hope to see you there! 

Lacey Foreman
(503) 360-4211

Jason turns 11 months!

That's right, only one month till Jason is a year old! I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by. Now that fall has (definitely) arrived here in Alaska I catch myself thinking a lot about the last month being pregnant with Jason and then the first few weeks of his life. I really do wish I could hit a rewind button and start all over again, I would even go through the labor and delivery part, ALL. OVER. AGAIN! Just so I could see him for the very first time again. I stinkin' love this kid! *insert: your awing here*

Today was a busy day, especially with half the house hold staff being out of town (Matt left on TDY yesterday). We ran to the BX, commissary, library and then walked to the park and played before the weather turned on us and we ran all the way home! We were invited over to a friends house for dinner this evening. She served us caribou tacos... caribou or moose, whichever one it was it was good. So all that to say I didn't get a chance to take my usual pictures of Jason so I snapped a few tonight during our bedtime routine.

I know he there is a lot of pink in these pictures, I guess that is one of the unfortunate bits of having an older sister. He doesn't mind, honest! 

While my babies were bathing I had some time to upload another video. 
Jason just started signing more and he had been for Matt, till we started video taping him...

As you can see Jason is quite good at expressing himself, there is almost never a question of what he wants, he is pretty clear! 

As you all have probably seen by now Jason started walking, I mean more than two steps, yesterday before Matt left for his trip. If you haven't seen the video yet here it is!

From here it is planning little man's 1st birthday party! I have decided to a small get together with a few friends, I know you are shocked! Lacey, doing a small get together!? It's true, it is just too hard to do big parties here in the winter and yes, October here is included in our winter. If we were home it would be another story.
 Don't worry, I will keep you posted on all the latest birthday party scoops!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Little Man is Walking!

Jason started walking today! He has taken a few steps here and there before but today he really did it. He chose the perfect time too, this way daddy got to be here to see him.

I hope you enjoy our video.

Jason IS walking!

...and yes, we are bribing him with M&ms. Shhhh, don't tell anyone!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

We have had a very busy weekend so far and as it is Labor day weekend, it isn't over yet!

Friday night I hosted my Bunco group's first meeting. We had a blast and I am already looking forward to meeting again at the end of this month. Loved all the ladies I will be playing with. So glad to really start making friends and getting out and socializing... it only took me, what, two years?!

Yesterday, Saturday, was a very eventful day. Matt and Ava attended a wedding in town so my friend Amber and I decided to also run into to town shop around at Freddy's and the craft stores. While we were at Fred Meyer my cell phone was stolen. Super bummed because of all the videos and pictures of my babies that are now gone but I am very thankful that I didn't lose anything more serious like one of my babies! That would have made my day unbearable instead of frustrating.

Today! Today was a big family day! Amber invited us to go to church this morning. After I got ready I decided to pull out all of my fall decor since now it is undeniably our fall season Fall is my  favorite time of year! Once I was done, the rest of the family was up and getting ready for church. I really enjoyed the sermon and after the service they served a spaghetti lunch including little mini cheesecakes for dessert! All five of us scarfed down the delicious food.

Got a quick pic before leaving for church this morning

Ava wanted to hold Jason...

He kept crawling away but it was fun to watch them play and laugh together. Ava sure does love her little brother!

As we were loading up the car after church, Matt, thanks to Ava's help realized he put the kids in each others car seats, we laughed pretty hard over that one! Ava said "daddy, this is bubby's car seat!".

We came home and Matt helped me get dinner in the crock pot. We tried a new recipe, orange chicken and rice. Not as yummy as we hoped but we still ate it! ...Well the kids and I did. 

After dinner was situated Ava and I headed outside to check on our potatoes. We actually had some that were ready! I decided to leave the rest to let them get a little bigger.

Matt picked us another zucchini from our garden
She is laughing there I promise!

After Little Man's nap we decided to go on a family bike ride. While we were out we spotted some wild life, well actually, I am not sure if this little guy counts, haha.

A Marmot!

Kind of hard to see him

I was scared he was going to attack Matt for getting so close. Not sure why the camera wouldn't focus. 

Last stop before home, the park!
 Little Man went down the slides all by himself while I anxiously watched him. Daddy and Ava played on the tire swing and both Ava and Jason swung in the baby swings. We had so much fun playing together as a family.

 Apparently he enjoys eating rocks

 My handsome guys!

Before giving the kids a bath and getting them into bed we tried the cake batter fudge I made for dessert. It was pretty tasty and only took me about a minute to put it together. Gotta love those Pinterest recipes! 

Had an awesome day with my amazing family! Excited to see what we how we finish off our Labor Day Weekend!