Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mom's Visit part 1

Well can you believe that Mom (Heidi) has been here for 2 months already!? She leaves early Saturday morning. The Foreman household is going to be lonely without her. I thought I'd go back through her visit and show you some of the fun things we were able to do together. 

Bought a new car. Technically this happened the night before mom got here. 

Celebrated Jason's first Birthday!

Went to a Tastefully Simple party and made freezer meals.

Still pulling them out of the freezer for dinners! 

Played outside in the snow while daddy shoveled the driveway. 

Took lots of pictures!!!

Went on a field trip to the local fire station.

Had a girls day, shopping and lunch.

Visited Santa!

Santa signed The Night Before Christmas for Ava, Jason and Caden. 

Had some yummy fudge!

Visited daddy at work.

Ava helped him get some of his work done. 

Played with the lovely static.

Decorated cookie with the mom's group.

Painted pumpkins.

They are major goofs!

Watched our Halloween fireworks.

Took Ava trick or treating.

Enjoyed many nummy breakfasts, including pumpkin french toast!

Painted more pumpkins.

He learned how to scream!

Mom's new mug. 


Making Matt's birthday which by the way did NOT turn out. 

Didn't put near enough powdered sugar in the fondant so it was practically melting. Boo.

We ate it anyway. 

Love my snuggles!


Story time.

...To be continued. 


  1. Precious memories! One thing's for sure, you and Matt make BEAUTIFUL babies! ;o)

  2. That's why I keep telling Matt we can't stop! They are just too good looking to not make more babies :D I need my minimum of 4 maybe 5 if I can figure out how to get him to go for it. ;D
