Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jason turns 2!

Two years ago today I gave birth to this perfect little being.

Things Jason is doing:

Using the potty at least once a day sometimes having no accidents or dirty diapers

Speaking full sentences

Just learned to count to 3

Says - Please, thank you, and your welcome when he should

Feeds himself using the appropriate utensils

Working on his ABC's

and so much more!

Some of Jason's favorite things are:


He loves to read books with mommy and daddy

Jason is very sweet and loving but does enjoy hitting his sister and sometimes bossing her around, luckily she doesn't mind too much!

Going "bye bye"

Playing on the ipad or nook or our phones

He likes the show Super Why

He loves Spaghetti


His snacks

Couldn't imagine this life without him and he still makes me want more kids! Yup, he's perfect!

Happy 2nd Birthday Jason!!!


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