Thursday, October 16, 2014

Christmas Prep

We had such a fun busy weekend this last weekend with Jason's birthday party and all the family in town. We rested a bit and now it's back to work. 

Today the kids had swim lessons. They are almost done with their first full round of swimming lessons (8 classes).They are having so much fun going to the pool twice a week and getting more comfortable in the water. Jason freaks out every time as he gets in the water then about 23 seconds later he is totally fine and smiles and laughs through the whole lesson. Ava's teacher lets me know how good of a listener she is and how straight she keeps her legs in the water. They are loving it!

Some Christmas Prep
I am a big planner when it comes to Holidays and birthdays, especially Christmas. I started some gift projects this summer and got my Christmas shopping lists made I don't know when. One of the things I know you can get this time of year are some great Christmas card freebies.
There have been a couple deals for free Christmas cards already and I realized that I needed some pictures so I could take advantage of these deals. So today we went outside for a few minutes and snapped some shots. The colors outside are amazing right now. Fall is my FAVORITE time of year, it's always so beautiful. We found some pretty red bushes to get that Christmas feel, I am pretty happy with how a couple of the pictures came out.

Not much Christmas shopping left for me. I think really I only have 2 gifts left to purchase along with a couple gift cards, the rest of the gifts on my list will be handmade. I have completed my shopping lists for Ava, Jason, Emma & Caden (minus 2 items) & snagged 30 out of the 40 Christmas cards I need for FREE.

If you want to take advantage of one these deals you can go to to get 10 FREE Christmas cards using the coupon code: GREETINGS
Shipping will be about $5.99
*This deal good through Monday Oct 20th

I picked these Christmas cards.

By the way...

69 days until Christmas!
(that seems like SO many!)

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