Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend 2016

Mother's Day weekend was pretty amazing.
 Matt just finished Spring semester at School and the Farmer's Market opened Saturday!

Me and the two big kids got an earlier start than dad and Tucker and headed to the first Farmer's Market of the season. We found asparagus, raw honey and some yummy cookies! After the market we ran over to Dutch Bros for some coffee. The kids call what they get coffee but they really get steamers or frosts, SO, if you ever hear the kids say they are drinking coffee it just isn't true, I promise, (unless you hear it from Jason and then it might be true because he is always stealing sips of mine because he actually really does love coffee!).

After coffee we headed back to the house to pick up dad and Tucker so we could go to the park and play (dad's idea). When we got home dad had made brunch, pumpkin waffles and omelets. We ate and then made our way to Lawson Gardens, a place most of us had never been to before. It was fun walking around blowing bubbles with the bubble wands we  had brought. Ava chased the poor ducks and Jason climbed on everything. Tucker wanted to get down so bad but because he tries to eat literally EVERYTHING, I held him while we walked around and explored.

Then we went to the park across the street for some serious playtime. Matt played harder than the kids but it was okay because he brought his portable fan and spray bottle to help keep himself cool. He was pretty proud of himself for that. The kids had fun chasing and spraying each other and everything else at the park. They climbed trees, went on the swings, raced and did a pretty good job not dying on the weird spiderweb plaything. Jason did fall through the twisted monkey bar structure  and hit his head and neck but at this point I think we have learned that we just can't go anywhere without Jason being nearly mortally wounded.

One of my favorite pictures from our day together.

Little man loves to swing!

After like 3 hours of playing (!) we ran to the store to grab some steak so Matt could make us a yummy steak dinner with homemade french fries. Mmmm, my favorite!

The bummer is the next morning (actual Mother's day) Matt and Ava woke up sick *sad face*. Even though Matt wasn't feeling good he still was a big help around the house (unasked at that). Jason and I were able to do our shopping for the week and for Jason's special Monday night dinner while Matt, Ava and Tucker napped back home.

My Mother's Day gift from Ava. She gave it to me Sunday night after dinner. She was so excited and told me she worked on it for 2 weeks! lol, she is still learning about time. She told me her teacher said it would make me cry... She was pretty proud of herself when it actually happened.

... and The kids' Mother's day Cards this year. We have so many mommies between our 2 families that we ended up making and sending out 9 cards!
 These were a little time consuming but oh so cute! Ava did most of the writing and glued all the grass in the pots. Even Matt helped cut out some of the flowers. We learned that Ava can cut flowers out a lot faster than daddy! She is a pretty good helper when it comes to crafting!

...and I got a Mother's day card from my sissy!

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