Friday, February 1, 2013

28 Days to getting the Foreman house in (better) shape!

Today is the 1st and I am feeling slightly motivated to do something new... well new for me, let me explain. I have a very hard time being consistent for any length of time (I know, you're shocked). February being a short month and the fact that me and the kids are jumping on a plane and heading "home" for a few weeks, (and being inspired by January being organize your house month) I am thinking this is the perfect time to work on my consistency and tackle housework at the same time.
So here we go:

28 Days to getting the Foreman house in (better) shape!

Here is the list of "to do's" for this month

  1. Organize the Refrigerator and wash all the shelves and drawers (on top of today's chores of making Emily's smash cake and prepping all food for my Tastefully Simple Freezer meal workshop tomorrow, Phew!).
  2. Go through and Organize books on bookshelves donating any books we no longer need.
  3. Clean the front entry closet, sort shoes, coats and jackets and pack up any that no longer fit.
  4.  Clean underneath the stove and refrigerator.
  5. Wash all the doors, door knobs and light switches.
  6. Wash the baseboards, tops of heaters and molding around the doors.
  7. Clean all the garbage cans. Not excited about this one!
  8. Wash/Scrub the bottom of the table and the bottom of my chairs.
  9. Clean out  and organize the bathroom cabinets. Oh man!
  10. Sort socks… and get rid of all the ones that do not have a match.
  11. Clean and clear off the top of washer and dryer.
  12. Dust the shelf and trinkets above the TV.
  13. Clean out and vacuum car, wipe down windows in back seat.
  14. Go through and sort toys in playroom, donate any toys we don't play with anymore.
  15. Go through and sort toys downstairs, wipe down any yucky toys.
  16. Clean off top of dresser in Master bedroom.
  17. Go through my drawers getting rid of anything I don't wear, doesn't fit or is worn through.
  18. Go through Ava's clothes packing up anything that no longer fits in vacuum bags.
  19. Go through Jason's clothes packing up anything that no longer fits in vacuum bags.
  20. Vacuum out kitchen light fixture. We get silverfish in our light fixture!!

    Just 8 more to go!
  21. Go through the house and replace all burned out light bulbs.
  22. Dust the tops of bookshelves and Scentsy Cabinet.
  23. Dust the top of the refrigerator.
  24. Go through pantry, Fridge and spice cabinet throwing away any expired food.
  25. Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures above bar.
  26. Spot clean walls with magic eraser.
  27. Organize cabinets next to oven, pots/pans/glassware.
  28. Go through all plastic containers disposing of ones without lids or bottoms.  

Holy smokes that is a lot of stuff to do but I am excited at the thought of actually getting all of these things done and having it behind me. I am hoping that by posting all this here on my blog it will help keep me accountable and motivated! So be sure to check back on my progress. 

Are you ready!?

Proof that I pulled out the refrigerator and cleaned underneath!

That thing was heavy! Luckily the stove was a lot easier to pull out. I was totally ready to give up on this one because my muscle (Matt) went to bed early and I didn't think I could do it without him but I totally did! Yay! 

Ava helped me clean the garbage can. She thought it was a lot of fun!


  1. Hey miss energetic! Bring the list when you come
    next month and you can start on my house! Yipee!!
    I will call everyday and see what you have checked off on the list. Remember only 28 days!
    Love you lots, Gr. LaVonna
