Sunday, August 11, 2013

Beach House

We have done a lot this summer. Moved from Alaska to Pullman Washington. Driving from Alaska to Vancouver, to Pullman. Visiting with family and one of Ava's favorites this summer, going to the beach house in Rockaway, OR. We took lots of pictures from our trip. I thought I would take a moment to catch up on a few blog posts from this summer. Hope you enjoy!

Thank you Aunt Bonnie and Aunt Lucy for letting us go to the beach house!


One for Grandpa Willie

Ava was screaming "I love the beach! Woo hoo!!!"

Messing around with the camera

Ava likes to wear Jason's clothes sometimes... Yes, she fits in them!

One of my favorites

Our big bonfire

Awe, we do love each other *winks*


Love this one of Matt and Lynda

We had a blast! Can't wait till our next beach visit!

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