Sunday, September 22, 2013

Coupon Run 9/22

Last night Matt and Ava went to their first Cougars game! Sounds like they had a blast and the Cougars won 42-0 against University of Idaho!

While off doing my coupon run and grocery shopping I received a text from Matt... Jason even looks cute in girls clothes! lol

This week was my first time couponing at Walmart. I think it was pretty successful, my total before coupons was $21.35.
Total out of pocket (before tax): $5.76!! That is a 73% savings! 

Rite aid this week was a small trip but worth it for 2 tubes of FREE toothpaste! 
I paid $2.50 out of pocket (before tax) and used $3.00 in up Rewards for 2 tubes of toothpaste and received back $6.00 in up Rewards! That is a $0.50 money maker!!

Walgreens this week was also a small run.

Total out of pocket (before tax):  $2.00 or a $1 each!
Gotta start stocking up for Halloween!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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