Sunday, February 9, 2014

My 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home: Assignment #1

I have been trying extra hard lately to get my house in order. A place that feels comfy, cozy and that if an unannounced visitor showed up, I wouldn't have to make them stay outside in the freezing cold because I am too embarrassed to let them see the inside of my house! That last one is especially important to me because I would never actually leave someone outside in the freezing cold, meaning they would inevitably see the inside of my house even just by cracking open the door.

On top of the things I have been working on (this counts actually), I have been teaching the kids to pick up their toys, clothes etc. whenever they are finished playing or changing, before moving on to the next activity or going to bed. Ava seems to actually be liking this because this means we get to rotate toys out faster and she gets to play more. Jason has always been really good at picking up when asked and even when no one has asked him, so now with their combined cleaning powers our house actually feels quite tidy most of the time!


I am on pinterest quite a bit and I have been pinning different organizing tips and tricks for a while. So I decided it was time to dig through my pins and start utilizing those tips and tricks.

I chose to start with "4 weeks to a more organized home" by Money Saving Mom.
Here's the link if you'd like to check out her posts starting with assignment #1:

Here are my results for assignment #1

Sitting down with my tea (today) and writing my 5-10 Goals for this week.

My 5-10 Goals for this week are:

~Send out Valentines Monday

~Get cat de-wormed Monday

~Make crowns for Ava's b-day party

~Make Tutu's for Valentines Day

~Get up and out of bed at 7:00 am every morning M-F

~Prayer and Journal time at least 5 minutes a day

~Take the kids out to play in the snow
(not really my thing, playing in the snow that is)

~Let/Have the kids skype with someone in the family

~Lights out and electronics off at 11:00 pm M-F
(It's the only way!)

Clean out my purse:

Basically my purse turned into a garbage collector that I then proceeded to carry around with me every time I left my house.

The only items going back into my purse! That's just 7 items!

Nice and clean!

The other parts of assignment #1 are complete your morning routine, 15 minute tidy up of the main living areas & find 7 items to get rid of today.

My morning routine is finished and Matt and I cleaned out the spare room today and got rid of a lot more than 7 items (like, bags of stuff!) so I am going to say that part of the assignment good for today! Bonus, we can now see the floor of the spare room!

My Morning Routine:

Make Bed & Tidy Bedrooms
Wipe Bathroom Counters & Sinks
Empty Dishwasher
One Load of Laundry
Daily Chore (Today's daily chore, Sunday, catch-up day)

You can print out my morning routine along with the rest of my daily routine here:
P.s. I did NOT make this Cleaning Calendar.


Who wants to do this with me?

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