Friday, August 10, 2012

A little Stay-cation

Yesterday (Thursday) was a busy day for the Foreman family. Our vacation to Anchorage being cancelled we found other ways to have fun. We started off our day parked in front of the flight line where we watched the jets take off and land. Ava LOVES watching the planes. They were so loud and very low, made for an exciting first activity!

Click on the link below to watch our home video of the Jets taking off

After that we made our way into town (Fairbanks). We still needed to get Jason's birth certificate so we ran over and finally got that taken care! Feels nice to have that checked off our to do list!

From there we decided we were hungry. There is a new restaurant in town called Shoegun (cannot for the life of me remember what the place is called), or something like that, it is a Hibachi place. Matt had taken the kids (all by himself) out to eat there before and they both loved it so we decided to go again. The people there were so nice and helpful and our cook was very entertaining. Ava loved the fire and both the kids loved the food. Jason ate almost ALL my rice! 

A friend suggested we check out the Botanical garden over at the college so that is where we headed. I am so glad we went, it got to be close to 80 degrees with blue sky's. All the beautiful flowers with plenty of room for Ava for run made it the perfect place for us to be. 

Ava wanted to kiss the flower instead of smell it

Click here for a home video

Hanging pumpkins! 

Finally a family picture

And something we never do, a picture of just Matt and I... well sort of. 

Click here for another video

A perfect first day of our stay-cation. 
Thank you to all our friends out there for your suggestions! Looking forward to the rest of the time we have together as a family this weekend. 

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