Thursday, August 6, 2015

Baby prep at 36 weeks

36 weeks today!
I have days like yesterday where it's just contractions all day long. Yesterday they actually started to hurt just a tad.
Last Doc appointment I was 1cm dialated and 60-70% effaced. So the contractions are doing something... :) 

Last week we got the changing table and crib set up but I don't think I posted pics so here is our changing table with the cute grey chevron changing pad.

We received some gifts in the mail this week! A super cute chevron diaper bag, receiving blankets and some baby socks. Thank you Jeremy and Melanie for the gifts, I LOVE them. I don't think I used diaper bags for Ava and Jason so I am excited to have a real one this time around and it's soooo cute!

We also had some visitors this week! Grandma LaVonna and Grandpa Rick came out for two nights. After dinner on their last night here we hiked up to the top of the hill across from our apartment and watched the sun set. You can see pretty much all of Pullman from the top of that hill. We had a really fun visit, can't wait for them to come again!!

The pretty sunset

My grandparents spoil me with backrubs

While Grandma and Grandpa were here they bought me a couple of gallons of paint since I have been wanting to paint to spruce up the apartment a bit before baby comes.
Today I got the lighter of the two colors up on the walls. Waiting for everything to dry really well before putting everything back up on the walls. In a couple days I will add the stripes to the hallway wall and front entry wall and be done. Just a touch of color to help the apartment feel a bit cozier.

All white walls



The color is pretty light and hard to see in the pictures. I am hoping that once I have the stripes up and the outlet covers and photos up it will really pop enough to make the space feel a bit new and different. I am always scared to do anything too drastic or dramatic, especially being in an apartment, I want it to be easy to paint back if I need to when we move.

Thank you Rachael for watching the kids outside for me today so I could get all the paint prep done! I think I would have ended up pulling all my hair out if I had to tape and set up with the kids in my work space. Couldn't have done it today without you!

Thank goodness for the crockpot! Tonight we had chili and some fresh cherry tomatoes from a friends garden. With all the painting we would have not had dinner tonight if I hadn't started it this morning. I have really been in a funk when it comes to dinners lately especially since I start to feel pretty tired and achy in the evenings. Any easy meals or make ahead dinner suggestions out there? I could definitely use some inspiration!

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