Saturday, August 1, 2015

Baby Prep at 35 weeks

35 weeks this week! 
Only 33 days till baby's due date or 26 days if I go for the elective induction (unless the baby comes early of course!).

And yes, still no name!
Although I think Matt and I may be making some progress there. Even if we do decide on a name before little man get's here we won't be announcing till we introduce the little guy after delivery. I think it makes things a little more exciting that way (wink).

Baby #3 on the left Jason on the right at 35 weeks.

Vacuuming out the car

Setting up the crib

Earlier this week we cleaned out and organized under our bed and
went through all of Ava's clothes and got rid of everything that doesn't fit anymore.
Between Ava's closet and under the bed we were able to get rid of quite a few things. Matt even found his wedding ring! He lost it years ago, in fact I thought I had vacuumed it up in the car and always felt bad about it. So glad it was found!
 I love the feeling of having less "stuff", it's like I just lost of bunch weight!

Lots done today. 

*Cleaned out and organized the pantry. 

*Went through the car wash, vacuumed out the car and cleaned everything out that doesn't need to be in there. 
Topped off the fluids. 
The kids helped wipe down the seats and walls and clean the windows. 
Ava LOVES cleaning the inside of the car. 
It's so nice having two great helpers especially for those hard to get to places. 

*Installed the baby's car seat.

*Set up the crib.

*Scrubbed the couch and the ottoman.

*Wiped down the Washer and dryer.

*Lots of laundry including any bedding that we had packed up under the bed.

I see progress.
 It seems like it's taking forever going through things, purging, organizing, setting up baby equipment, buying things i'll need after delivery but I think we are actually getting there. The overall goal is to get everything clean and easy to maintain for not only when the little guy is here but for when the kids start school in a few weeks.

So glad Ava's school supplies have been bought and are all packed up in her backpack ready to go. Now all we need to do is pick out an outfit for the first day of school! She starts kindergarten August 26th.

Managed to bribe her into a little foot rub

*Incase anyone was wondering, we are registered at & Target. We are all set on clothes especially newborn except for socks! :)

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