Thursday, August 20, 2015

Baby prep at 38 weeks

38 weeks today!

Just 8 days left on our countdown chain.
Matt and I went ahead and scheduled an elective induction for the 28th of August, just NEXT Friday! So unless I go into labor before then or we get bumped from the schedule we will have another little Foreman in the house in just 8 days!

Some baby goodies came in the mail today from Grandma Julie and Grandpa Mike, thank you! I can't wait to use all of these fun things!

Feel like the only thing I really want/need is probably a bouncer and maybe a few sets of crib sheets. Otherwise I think we have all the essentials!

A new shirt came in the mail. Feel like I'll be needing it here pretty soon... 

The kids had a blast this week playing outside in the pools. Couldn't help but snap a few pics of them playing in their undies. They're so cute!

This little guy comes in a lays next to me every morning until I wake up. After he's eaten his breakfast bar and grabbed his tablet of course.

So the the few things I did this week to prep for baby were finish the painting (the stripes), add the art display for the kids, clean out the fridge and freezer and have the carpets professionally cleaned.
I can't think of anything else big or major that needs to be done so I guess it's just trying to keep everything clean and tidy so we're ready to go for when little man comes home.

Grandma Julie and Grandpa Mike will be heading our way next Thursday so they can help after the baby gets here. We are so excited for them to be coming!

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