Thursday, August 13, 2015

Baby Prep at 37 Weeks

37 weeks today!

At my last appointment Monday, I was a little more than 80% effaced, 1cm dilated, fundal measurement 35 weeks and up 30 lbs.

 I have contractions all the time it seems which makes it a little bit harder to get the things I want to do done, but... it's nice to know my body is doing what it's supposed to do to prepare to give birth soon!

The kids are in camp again this week so I have been trying to take advantage of that free time to get more baby prep and a few projects done.

Started off with a bit of painting.

Wanted to add a bit of color to the kids bathroom. Still need to go back and paint the second coat but I love the way it looks already.

Two of the last things I really wanted to do before baby comes is get a cut/color and get my nails done.
So now I am officially READY for him to make his entrance any time!!

Mani/pedi courtesy of Grandma LaVonna

Sneak peak of another project I hope to have done for the kids this week.
Two coats of spray paint and now I am just waiting for it to dry so I can finish it up!

I decided that it's probably time that I pack my hospital bag and set up the diaper bag. I have actually had the kids' backpacks packed for weeks with clothes, snacks and a few toys/art supplies. I wanted them to have goodies to play with and eat to keep them busy in case they need to go with us to the hospital but also for when they spend the night with Nana and Papa in the RV when they visit.

Getting the diaper bag ready!

Any suggestions of things I SHOULD bring to the hospital with me?

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