Monday, July 30, 2012

A relaxing Weekend

I am a little behind on this post but better late than never...

Our weekend was a nice break. We met and played with some new friends and enjoyed some great weather! Ava's new little friend is so much like her, I think they are going to get along great. The girls played in the pool and at the playground while us "big" kids chatted and got to know each other. Looking forward to seeing our new friends again soon.

Sunday was still beautiful out so we ran back over to Chena Lake and let Ava play in the water. Afterwards we ran into town and finally caved and bought a Sam's club membership. Lucky for us they were having a deal for military so we really only spent $25 instead of $40 for the membership. They actually had a couple things we have been looking for a while now, like a foam mattress pad (I swear I slept sooo much better last night!) and those vacuum bags for storage (really need to get all the clothes Ava has grown out of packed up and stored... for the next baby!). 

Before heading home we grabbed some papa Murphy's and called it a great weekend! 

Here are few pics we were able to snap before our camera died. 
*note to self: Charge Camera!

He likes sunglasses

She liked throwing her "ducky" in the water

Eating our picnic lunch

Hope you all had a great weekend too! 


  1. Oh my goodness! Ava is looking more and more like you (Lacey) every day! Wow! Fun pics, and so happy you had a good weekend & made new friends! ;o)

  2. I cut her bangs today and now you can see her eyes! :D She is a pretty good lookin girl ;) Love you Grandma!
