Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jason Turns 9 Months old!

Little man turns 9 months old today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He has grown and changed so much it's crazy. I ask him almost daily to just stop growing and stay my little squishy, cuddly baby forever. Despite my begging and pleading he just keeps on a growing anyway.

I snapped some pictures to mark this day and as we look through them I will share with you all the new exciting things Jason is up to!

The newest thing as of this month as you all know from an earlier post, Jason started cutting his first tooth! 
We are still breastfeeding and plan on continuing until he is at least 12 months old. 
He started eating solids a while ago. We tried to start with some baby food. I made him some blended pears and another time some mushed bananas, he was not interested in either! He only wanted whatever we where eating at the table. So now he gets little bits of whatever we are eating. Some foods he has tried and loved are: 
Graham Crackers
and some Organic baby food blends

He can pull himself up into a standing position and sit on his own. He falls down a lot and smacks his head BUT he is starting to learn how to fall so it doesn't hurt so much. 

We are going to start cloth diapering. We never cloth diapered with Ava so this is new for all of us. Just waiting for our new diapers to come in the mail! 

He loves to explore and especially loves to play with our laptops! I think he is going to need a laptop of his own pretty soon. 

A fun thing I have noticed is that anytime music comes on Jason starts bouncing and slapping to the beat. We might have a little future musician on our hands. 

Jason has pretty much moved into his own room for at least half the night anyway. He is in explore mode all the time now so if he is not in his crib to go to bed he is up playing on us pulling my hair and playing with the blanket covering our midnight Alaskan sun (letting in all the sunlight making it hard to sleep). 

He loves to play with the doors in our house, opening and closing them. He LOVES bath time, as soon as you turn the water on he books it over to the tub and tries to climb in. It is worse if you are holding him, he will try to jump out of your arms into the tub! He loves peek a boo and playing with his sister. He has started SCREAMING when Ava takes anything he is interested away or when he gets something in his mouth he shouldn't have and I dig it out. He definitely has a way of letting you know what he wants or doesn't want. 

I have started signing with him and he thinks it's hilarious, I think he knows what we are saying and has even tried signing "more" back to us.  

I think that is it for now! Happy 9 Months to my adorable, handsome, sweet, amazing little boy!!! Can you believe in just 3 short months he will be 1 year old!? Crazy! 


  1. That's really cute! I can't wait to have one of me own :) Yay for Jason :) may God bless you all :)
