Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our Sunday Project

Sundays are our cleaning/project days. Today was kind of a big project. I am so excited to show you guys! I had planned for us to clean and go through clothes the kids have outgrown but I knew putting up my tree was going to be a long process especially with two little ones running around. So now that we are done putting it all up we'll see if there is still anytime for chores.

I purchased a vinyl wall decal from on Facebook. I received my purchase very quickly but realized my tree wasn't as big as I had envisioned. So I messaged GoodGollyGraphics again and asked her to make me an extension and she did. I received my extension quickly but was a little intimidated by this very large wall decal I had just bought and put off the task of putting it up for a little while. Well today I knew we had enough time to get it up and that is just what Matt and I did (with a little help from Jason and Ava)! Here we go!

Here is my wall before we started. I love the color green we have, our house came with just one painted wall.

We taped all the pieces up so we could get everything right where I wanted it.

The first two pieces we got up.

Matt using my debit card to smooth the vinyl onto the wall.

Bubby turns 9 months today!

Matt peeling back the paper.

The kids wanted to check out what we where doing.

My turn to peel off some paper.

The tree is up! Now it's time to move onto the leaves and cute little animals.

The finished product! well almost, now I need to get some pictures to hang up in my tree and then it will really be complete. Can you see all the little animals? Lindsey, there is an owl up over my window!

I really thought this was going to be a completed project but once we got started it was pretty easy, definitely a two person job for the big pieces but not hard. I have another vinyl wall decal for Ava's room to put up (I bought it ages ago) that will be my next little project. I can't wait to show you guys! 

What do you think of my tree!? 
The woman I bought my tree from is a military wife and a stay at home mom. I believe she is based out of Colorado right now. Her wall decals are affordable and like my tree, if you have something in mind she can work with you to come up and make what you'd like to have on your wall. You can check her out on facebook here

P.S I cannot stop walking past my wall to look at my tree!!! I love it! 


  1. That looks great! Now I want one but I don't really have a good wall to put it on. :(

  2. I love Good Golly Graphics. The tree looks amazing!

  3. That looks awesome honey! Good job!
